Welcome to Vision Finance!

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Vision Finance - Linking Emerging Markets with the Sovereign Wealth Funds

Vision Finance provides customized corporate finance and capital brokerage services to the clients located in the Emerging Markets.  

Our local presence, 21 industry teams, extensive product expertise and superior strategically focused distribution capabilities make us the ideally positionned company to assist you with structuring and arrangement of your financing needs and expansion plans.

Our unique market strengths are:

1. Local based origination capabilities via the extensive network of senior people who understand the local business and have the proven track record of achievement in their respecive countries

2. Superior products and solutions, customised via extensive structuring experience to the needs of the Emerging Markets

3. Distribution directly to top 30 Sovereign Wealth Funds, who collectively control USD 3.2 trillion, equivalent to 12.7% of global GDP. Our conflict of interest free model, non recourse model makes us their originator of choice.  We show all the transactions  that we have identified as potentially interesting to our clients.

Our unique business strengths are:

1.  We do not use our balance sheet, hence we do not compete for business with our investors.  This is our conflict free model.

All our transactions are also without any recourse to Vision Finance, yet are structured by Vision Finance including performance gaurantees, credit export agency agreements, reinsurance contracts with supernational entities.

2.  Highly efficient business model, with the use of latest technology that enables us to maximise the efficiency of our key people.  We have centralised global point of intelligence enabling smooth processing of information between any two countries in the world.  We operate no titles policy, we promote simplicity, where possible we are paperless, we fly our only when needed - though we have our bankers on the ground to maintain and cherish our Client Relationships.

Vision Finance is more than the corporation, it is a Culture.

Our unique capital consists of three components:  

1.  Our Relationships, superior to all our competitors, where one banker represents all business products, facilitating discussions on all forms of financing products, M&A and deeper level of strategy.  This holistic approach is key in EM world and key to our Vision. 

2.  Our Conflict Free model of Distribution Platform, focused on thirty investors who collectively represent USD 3.2 trillion of assets.  We have extensive SWF expertise, including dedicated staff that deal with research, analysis and trends in the SWF sector.

3.  Our Innovation, ensuring proper structuring of transactions to maximise efficiency and minimise client transaction costs.  We have developed our own proprietary models including Implied EM CDS spreads for all EM countries, Vision Finance Sovereign Ratings that take into account both credit risk inflation risk, advanced brokerage solutions and hedging capabilities. 

We proudly invite you to the world of Vision Finance.

Click to see our Product Capabilities!

Bringing Investment Banking to You!

In the era when money spins the world knowing finance is essential.  You need to be on top of your money, your financing needs, and your strategy. 

Vision Finance will assist you with implementing your Vision, customizing it in order to optimize it with the availability of wide range of investment techniques and financing alternatives.

Regardless of your background, sovereign or corporate background, our local bankers, 21 dedicated industry teams and seven product teams will deal with you efficiently and directly.

Try us to understand the difference. 

Where can we work with you?

Our clients include Governments, Corporations, Financial Institutions and Private Individuals, and our offering covers wide range of global markets and corporate finance products.

Being modern, we are focused on the needs of our clients and not the products that we each represent.  To see how we can work for you please click on the Services left tab on the left, followed by your type of activity.