The need for infrastructure development is one of the great global challenges of our time. In fact there is probably no bigger question for public policy worldwide. Not only do the new big economies like China and India need more and better infrastructure, we are at a point where a lot of the ageing infrastructure in Europe and the US needs replacing. Most of the countries round the world have started investing largely in Infrastructure. Developed nations like UK, USA are also allotting funds along with the emerging nations like India and China. The five prominent sectors of investment globally are energy; transport; digital communications, flood management, water and waste; and intellectual capital. As the investment is huge, a part of it is being met through public sector funds and the vast bulk - more than three-quarters – is being delivered through private sector investment.
Vision Finance focuses on innovative BOT structures, which ensure low cost of debt, including provision of efficient balance sheet performance guarantees. This state of the art financial approach ensures significant benefits, especially to clients located in Frontier Markets where debt markets are not as widely available.