Vision Finance ("the Company") is a financial consultancy firm which deals with introduction of clients to potential investors. Vision Finance does not take in Deposits and is therefore not a Bank, and does not invest money, and it is threrefore not an Asset Management company. Indeed this structure enables Vision Finance to focus on what it does best, financial consultancy and arrangement of introductions, while keeping itself way clear of any potential conflicts of interest. Indeed we see this as our major strength.
While Vision Finance outlines the potential options and strategies, the Client is always responsible for making its own decisions, in all financial matters, accounting matters and legal aspects. While care is taken by Vision Finance to outline all potential benefits and considerations of any transaction, VF shall not be liable for any omitted issues or even outlined issues. Our recommendations should therefore always be analysed by suitable inhouse individuals, who are paid to perform this task (such as legal councel, CFOs, Accounants), and if needed other contractors and third parties.
Our Client is always the Company, Sovereign or Institution raising the money, or being involved in strategic corporate transactions. Vision Finance shall not collect the fees from both sides of the trade, once again insuring that it is clear of any potential conflict of interest, or indeed standard Capital Markets practices of today.
We only deal with professional "suitable" clients and investors. We do not deal with individual investors, and any such investor who is reading any materials on our website should do so only for educational reasons. Vision Finance is not liable for any information in these materials, or losses associated with them.
We do not deal with UK based companies, either for capital raising or investments.
While every care is taken to ensure that research is conflict free, Vision Finance together with its sister company Vision Research outlines that a potential conflicts of interest are at times unavoidable, and whereas care will be taken by VF to outline any such conflicts, the Company shall not be liable for any falsly made claims, incorrect information, or information given under the presence of conflicts of interest. Readers are treated with respect, and are expected to be able to analyse their data themeselves.
While every care is taken to ensure that the material is our own, at times we use materials of other companies. Where this happens we list the source of the company which originated the material. Likewise we are not against companies quoting our material, as this is central to Vision Finance philosophy, in which knowledge should be shared and not protected or secretly copied.
Not a trade
No material on this website our our presentations represent a solicitation to trade, or a trade itself. Any conracts made will be between the borrower and the lender, with Vision Finance arranging the introduction and assisting the borrower by providing recommendations as to the potential suitable and mutually acceptable structure and terms and conditions. Vision Finance will not be part of this contract, ensuring that there is no recourse to our credit risk for neither of our clients.
Inside Information
Vision Finance will not disclose information that it is told that it has material impact on shares or debt of the Client, yet it is Clients responsibility to provide us with the list of such securities and permissions for any disclosure of it to the carefully selected counterparties. The Company shall examine the legal implications of such information being disclosed. Vision Finance may also arrange the direct meeting, conversation or email exchange between the two counterparties during which inside information might be disclosed, subject to earlier mutual understanding that this will be the situation.