Transport & Logistics
Transportation and logistics forms an important segment of the economy, being an essential part to its future growth. Indeed especially Emerging Markets are in significant need of either greenfield development in this area, or significant upgrades.
Direct investment requires airports, airlines and cargo terminals, while steady economic growth requires both motorways and railinks. On the other hand while the business develops there is an increasing need for logistics industry including transport companies, courier companies and logistics centres.
Overall we have significant experience with dealing with the following areas:
AIRPORTS (including securitisation
AIRLINES (including leasing of aircraft, by airline or a joining body)
SEA TERMINALS (both cargo and passanger type, including blueprints)
MOTORWAYS (including securitisation of any tolls)
LOGISTICS COMPANIES (capital raising and M&A work)
In addition to focusing on standard financing options, Vision Finance is also able to prepare most optimal financial structures utilising wide range of options, including government guarantees (implicit, explicit and performance), assistance of super national organisations (global, regional and national development banks), utilisation of export agency guarantees (for construction of specific projects). Vision Finance is capable of preparing deals based on Project Finance technology as well as Public-Private Partnerships (PPP).