Vision Finance - DhakaUttara Sector-7
Lake Drive Road
House 65 Flat 3/A
Tel: +88 2 791 2178
Mob: +88 1739 304069
Skype: rootofsoul
Facebook: ahmed.nadir
with Vision Finance since May 2011
PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Knowledge Venture Inc., ITES for Financial Market & Investment Consultancy, Dhaka, ST 2011, Founder and MD
Albatross Technologies Limited, ITES Company, Dhaka, ST 2000, Founder and CEO, First Online Literature Archive and Portal, Dhaka, ST 2006, Founder
National Institute of Human Resource Development (NIHRD), IT Training, Dhaka, ST 2009, Founder
Emirates Law Journal, Law Magazine, Dubai, October 2007 to January 2008, Online Editor and Partner
Wiplawnetworks, Online and Printed directory on Intellectual Property Law, Dubai, Launched in INTA conference Chicago-USA, April 2007, Founder
Worldwide Networks and Consultancy, ITES & IT consultancy company, Dubai, March 2007 to January 2008, Business Development & Partner
CompleteBD, ITES Company, Dhaka, December 2004 to December 2006, Co-Founder, Business Development & Planning
Executive Editor and Creative Editor of monthly career magazine "Panjeree Shiksha Sambad". Project co-coordinator of Panjeree Publications Ltd. July 2004 to December 2006
Ariana (Because Brand Equity Matters) Marketing, Event & PR company, Dhaka, ST 2003, Founder & Managing Partner
Computer Digest, Monthly IT & Computer magazine, Dhaka, 1998 to 1999, Sub Editor
Kishor Digest, Monthly Children Magazine, Dhaka, ST 1997, Founder and Editor
Bachelor of Commerce (2002), National University.
Professional Courses:
Honors Diploma in Information Technology (2009).
Certificate Course on PHP & MySQL (2009).
Certificate Course on CodeIgniter PHP Framework (2009).
Marketing and sales promotion course (2004).
Export Marketing course (2005).
Entrepreneurship Development course (2005).
Honors Diploma in Graphics Design and Multimedia (2003).
Founder Member, Grassroots Entrepreneurs Federation of Bangladesh (GEFB)
Member, Bangladesh Open Source Networks (BDOSN)
Member, Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS)